Change/Refund Policy

*If you get any tickets/hotels from our authentic social media from this website only, then for any change/refund and any types of information and for any update you must contact the main platform from which your tickets/hotels get from.

*If you get any tickets/hotels from this website only from an authentic search option, then for any change/refund and any types of information and for any update you must contact the main platform from which your tickets/hotels get from.

*This website does not take any liability for any tickets, hotels, or any type of purchase. You have to take all responsibilities and all risks of any type of purchase. For any type of query, Always you have to contact the main platform that you anything purchase from and get a valid authentic payment invoice from the site. Generally on the authentic payment invoice/Confirmation page or slip, you can find the contact details of the main platform (Hope so).

*If you agree to our all conditions, rules, policies, and all provided page rules then you can use our website otherwise you can leave our website…